By Candace Williams & Marquise Atkinson

Across the nation, students are still facing the lingering effects of learning loss due to the pandemic. For students in certain demographics, that learning loss is even more apparent. In many cases, typical approaches to catching students up have not proven effective.

What can educators and administrators do to help students fill these gaps? Many times, teachers associate intervention with providing instruction in concept areas from previous grades or subject areas that are not yet mastered before focusing on grade-level material. This type of intervention is called remediation. While remediation is necessary, issues like limited time, energy, and resources call for educators to be more strategic and efficient in identifying and supporting the most critical needs of students. Instead, implementing “Just-In-Time” (JIT) Intervention takes a more focused approach and could yield quicker results. 

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Let’s Go Learn allows you to measure and understand student math and reading skills with research-based, adaptive assessments. Then you can automatically build personalized learning paths from the data, creating the perfect supplementary curriculum.
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What is Just-In-Time Intervention?

Just-In-Time Learning is at the top of most recommended academic acceleration strategies. It is a proven method designed to help students efficiently close learning gaps and move more quickly towards understanding rigorous grade-level content.

JIT prepares students for success in current grade-level content by providing targeted support for the most critical, prerequisite content for upcoming units of study. Previous grade-level concepts and skills are still addressed, but always in the context of current learning. This allows students and teachers to chip away at learning gaps with intentionality and relevance over time, versus holding students back until they have mastered all of their missed learning.

Remediation vs. Accelerated Learning (JIT)


Four key steps of Just-In-Time Intervention Cycle

  1. Identify: Pinpoint the most critical interventions or prerequisite skills for an upcoming unit of study using a diagnostic. 
  2. Plan: Plan to use high quality curricular materials to address prerequisite skill gaps before teaching the grade-level content. 
  3. Teach: Prioritize students in need of intervention or scaffolded support for the unit and where to start. Provide targeted instruction by giving students a “dose” of intervention, leveraging various student groupings (whole group, small group, 1:1). 
  4. Assess: After grade-level lessons have been taught, use a progress monitoring assessment to determine the student’s mastery/readiness for grade level content and ongoing intervention needs.

To help school leaders and educators looking to implement Just-In-Time Intervention in their program this year, Let’s Go Learn combines diagnostic assessment data with dynamic reporting to immediately identify students in need of math and reading support by providing educators with the present levels for each student in multiple subtest areas and the next instructional steps in the intervention planning process.

For additional information on Let’s Go Learn assessment and instruction options, please visit us at