
Homeschool families need to know a student’s strengths and weaknesses, so that a personalized learning path can be created. Let’s Go Learn allows these families to adopt an advanced, easy-to-use platform proven to drive learning for millions of students.

On this page, Let’s Go Learn and its partners provide a library of blog articles to offer diagnostic math and reading assessment and curriculum strategies, as well as best practices for homeschool families. We welcome your comments.

For nearly twenty years, Let’s Go Learn has helped homeschool students achieve their learning goals. Do you know exactly what to do next to help teach your student? Do you have a detailed prescriptive report to guide your instruction? Can you measure growth easily and clearly with grade-level equivalency scores? To do all this, use Let’s Go Learn’s online diagnostic assessments, followed by our engaging, adaptive curriculum, personalized for your student.

Homeschool Assessment to Instruction

Today’s online learning landscape is a confusing sea of possibilities for families who need to provide instruction at home. Let’s Go Learn provides groundbreaking, personalized help to allow your student to succeed and find his/her path through this ocean. A basic plan could look like this: Assess a baseline: Get a baseline of

By |2022-09-01T21:36:41+00:00April 16th, 2020|Homeschool|0 Comments

First Steps in Online Learning and COVID-19

Schools around the world have closed due to the novel coronavirus COVID-19 pandemic. As of this week, all 50 states in the U.S. have some school districts closed, and 45 states have all schools closed. hosts a live, updated map of school closures which includes information on when schools expect to

By |2022-09-01T22:16:21+00:00March 25th, 2020|Homeschool|0 Comments
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