Ensure Equity and Access for All Students
Across Tiers 1 to 3


Solve implementation obstacles with Let’s Go Learn’s
next-generation RtI/MTSS Solutions

All students must participate in universal screenings to determine academic strengths and gaps. However, if assessment data indicates extra attention is necessary, and students fall within RtI Tier 2 and 3 categories, teachers must administer additional one-on-one diagnostic assessments for each student to determine the appropriate services and support. This is no easy task. Additional assessments are time-consuming and can cut into valuable instruction time for students and teachers. Further, many assessments only spotlight a need for intervention, but cannot provide insight into why a student is struggling or what steps to take next.

With Let’s Go Learn, teachers can provide all students with diagnostic assessments during universal screening. Educators can accurately identify students in need, and diagnosis any challenges during a single assessment.

If a student appears to be struggling with early reading skills, teachers can assign LGL’s Dyslexia Screener, which is available in English and Spanish. It screens for mouse dexterity; letter identification; high-frequency words; phonics (real and nonsense words); phonemic awareness; and rapid naming.

Across assessment and instructional solutions, the LGL platform provides the diverse classrooms of today with granular data to determine each student’s needs and allows teachers to truly individualize support.

RTI Pyramid

Learn more about the LGL DORA Dyslexia Screener

An advanced online dyslexia screener for K-3 students.

Support and enhance all components of academic RtI/MTSS implementations

The Let’s Go Learn platform produces narrative reports to describe each student’s strengths and weaknesses, so teachers can address the unique needs of students within Tiers 1, 2, and 3. With actionable data, educators can effectively implement personalized learning via daily automatic flexible grouping, scaffolding for whole-class learning, and personalized intervention. Real-time student reports allow teachers to adjust a student’s learning path, develop IEPs, and communicate progress with key stakeholders.

The platform’s data warehouse reporting engine supports site- and district-wide reporting for personalized learning communities (PLC) data meetings, curriculum planning, program effectiveness monitoring, and more.

RTI Features Table

Effectively target student intervention needs and monitor progress across Tiers 1, 2, and 3.

Key Benefits for RTI

Common Questions

Can RTI screening be accomplished with the Let's Go Learn platform?

Yes, our assessments can be used for universal screening or universal diagnostics. In the past testing lots of students was hard to do so shorter screeners were used. Today a lot of districts test all elementary students. And data supports classroom use. Then screening is done on middle and high school students who are struggling. The great thing about our tests is that they are all using the same datasets in math and reading. Meaning a general classroom teacher and a special education teacher can share data and understand each others' work with any particular student.

How does multi-tiered system of support (MTSS) come into play?

While, our platform is primarily focused on math and reading, which are foundational academic skills, in 2020 we added a simple tool that asks the student each time they start an activity, "How ready are you to learn today?" This allowed teachers to easily start monitoring how their students were doing whether remote or in class. Additional survey tools are being added as well in the near future. Plus teachers can keep universal notes on students. This helps with personalized learning. For instance a teacher could write, "John really enjoys the music in the Edge math lessons." This helps share tips as teachers personalized their instruction for each student.

Are Let's Go Learn's assessments used for Tiers 2 and 3 diagnostic?

Yes, they are genuinely diagnostic. Unlike so many tests that have scores such as 34% or 743 our scores can drive action for teachers, tutors, and students. Each Let's Go Learn assessment has multiple sub-tests tied to key areas of reading or math. And within each of these grade level scores are tied to specific skills and concepts.





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