
Quickly provide data-driven personalized learning for accelerated remediation and compensatory education


Use our special education curriculum and assessments to develop IEPs and PLAAFP statements

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Let’s Go Learn’s special education curriculum platform provides online tools to support the Individual Education Program (IEP) process and ensure Free Appropriate Public Education (FAPE) for every student with disabilities. That’s why our special education diagnostic assessments accurately identify learner strengths and weaknesses at a skill and concept level regardless of grade level. That’s why our data reporting provides objective and measurable student performance information for Present Levels of Academic Achievement and Functional Performance (PLAAFP) statements. And that’s why our tools cut IEP development time in half.

To ensure ongoing student achievement, we also provide reading and math instructional interventions with one-click student progress monitoring using our benchmark and formative assessments.

Let’s Go Learn’s special education platform is appropriate for most students with disabilities, including students with cognitive disabilities, learning disabilities, and language impairment.

5-Step SPED PD Model

Achieve ongoing academic progress for students with disabilities

Step 1: Our special education assessments analyze and evaluate each individual child’s standards-based learning gaps and present levels to support development of PLAAFP statements.

Step 2: School IEP teams develop IEPs using accurate, measurable data and data narratives from our special education diagnostic assessments. 

Step 3: Our special education interventions provide specially designed instruction (SDI) in reading and math delivered at the appropriate zone of proximal development (ZPD) for each student. Teachers can always self-select lesson assignments.

Step 4: To ensure ongoing student progress monitoring throughout the school year, we provide standards-based formative assessments that are vertically scaled into the original dataset.

Step 5: Our special education platform tracks, saves, compares, and reports on student performance from the initial special education assessments to the special education interventions in reading and math to the formative assessments and benchmarks. No data collection required by teachers.

LGL provides reporting and narratives in English and Spanish for classroom teachers and parents of students with disabilities. 

Why use Let’s Go Learn’s Special Education Programs? Let our customers explain!

“Students at the Boys & Girls Club of the Suncoast love Let’s Go Learn lessons. They have music and animation and are like games! The more they play, the more they learn!”

Julie Christman, Director of Literacy, Boys & Girls Club of the Suncoast

“Let’s Go Learn is a lifesaver. They have assessments that diagnose gaps and automatically place students at the best instructional level. Plus there are built-in formative assessments and progress monitoring that allow me to focus on what each student needs.”

Jennifer Salazar, Master Teacher, Waco, Texas ISD

Step 1: Special Education Assessments in Reading and Math

Our diagnostic assessments are adaptive, so student performance determines if items related to a specific concept become more or less difficult. The result is an accurate analysis of learning gaps and strengths and a decrease in test anxiety.

Special education math assessments are aligned to state educational standards. For elementary students, test items measure numbers and operations, measurement, data analysis, geometry, and algebraic thinking. For middle school students and secondary students, assessments include PreAlgebra and Algebra 1.

ADAM Diagnostic Assessment on Laptop Screen
DORA Rapid Naming screen shot

Special education reading assessments are aligned to state educational standards and include high-frequency words, word recognition, phonics, oral vocabulary, spelling, and reading comprehension. Dyslexia screening, phonemic awareness, and fluency assessments are also available.

Step 2: IEP-Aligned Diagnostic Assessment Reporting

Our assessment reporting is organized to support IEP requirements: goals, benchmarks, and PLAAFP/present level equivalencies for all subskills. With our next-generation tools, classroom teachers can focus on creating the optimal instruction for students rather than on statistical analysis.

Portrait of African American male teacher working at desk

“Our IEP teams report a 50% time savings in writing their IEPs with LGL’s aligned data and narratives.”

Step 3: Specially Designed Instruction That Addresses IEP Goals for Students with Disabilities

Using artificial intelligence (AI) and student diagnostic data, our platform creates math and reading special education interventions composed of SDI lessons that address each individual’s learning gaps. Teachers can use our interventions as supplemental curriculum, knowing that each student’s unique learning needs are being met. Teachers can also select and assign lessons to individual students as needed.

Our special education interventions are especially appropriate for students with disabilities because they:

  • Correlate to all state standards
  • Integrate critical thinking strategies with standards-based skills development
  • Include direct instruction and practice 
  • Provide feedback for incorrect responses
  • Use assistive technology by combining music, voice intonation, animation, and game-like interactivity
Upcoming Edge Lessons screen shot

Step 4: Built-In Formative Assessments that Auto-Adjust Personalized Learning Paths

With a few clicks, classroom teachers can assign our built-in formative quizzes and assessments to individual students with disabilities at regular intervals. Not only do these ensure that students have mastered learning objectives, but they ensure FAPE compliance. Formative assessments can be used to monitor educational progress in all educational environments, including response to intervention (RTI) programs, afterschool programs, and summer school. Our next-gen system uses the formative assessment data to automatically update each student’s learning path.

Asian girl on a Laptop

LESSON QUIZZES: At daily or weekly intervals, teachers queue up quizzes on skills or concepts learned in the classroom or online. The system then assesses mastery and reports on, compares, and stores the data.

UNIT ASSESSMENTS: At weekly, monthly, or quarterly intervals, teachers queue up assessments for targeted units. The system analyzes and reports the data. Then it updates the student’s learning path.

Step 5: One-Click Progress Monitoring

Our special education platform provides student progress monitoring in real-time:

  • Capturing and storing all student test data into a single vertically-scaled dataset
  • Presenting data in meaningful progress reports
  • Supporting continuous IEP progress monitoring and benchmark and goal attainment
  • Providing reporting in English and Spanish for parents and caregivers of students with disabilities
  • Providing reports for special education services with quarterly and annual compliance testing data
  • Providing data collection for special education teachers at school districts, whether they provide public education or private education

And to Make It All Work: Custom Professional Development and Consultative Services

Our goal is to inform, engage, and inspire special education administrators and educators.

CASE Platinum Sponsor

Our courses are customized to your special education goals. Topics may include:

  • Leadership best practices for special education programs
  • Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) legal compliance
  • Program management for special education leaders
  • Navigating unfinished learning and the pandemic for students with disabilities
  • Communication between teachers and families of student with disabilities
  • Social-emotional learning for students with disabilities
  • Research-based special education programs, assessments, and tools
  • Science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) and special education

Take a few minutes to listen to Bertie Brown, Director of IEP in Houston ISD, talk about LGL’s Professional Development for teachers of students with disabilities.

“The session empowered teachers and took a deep dive into the IEP process and the pressing need to offer support to all students.”

Key Benefits for Special Education

Common Questions

How does LGL work with students who need accommodations?

Given the nature of Let’s Go Learn assessments, test accommodations will tend to have more flexibility based on the discretion of the resource teacher or the district policy. DORA, ADAM, and DOMA are diagnostic assessments, meaning that their data is generally not used for high-stakes accountability. As a result, if the student’s accommodation calls for the allowance of a calculator during a math assessment, Let’s Go Learn permits this accommodation to be made and does not have any strict policy against a teacher or administrator making this decision. Scores are not rolled up into a normalizing algorithm, which in the case of a high-stakes assessment might restrict scores with accommodations from being used.

Can I use LGL in my district's Response to Intervention (RTI) programs?

You can administer our adaptive diagnostic easily to all your students in a particular grade level, group, or school in order to get diagnostic data to help inform instruction. Once students complete the diagnostic, you will receive reporting and narratives on each student's current grade level regardless of current grade. This will let you know for example how many students are above, at, or below grade level in the learning standards for K-12 reading and math.

Could some of my students with disabilities experience the math condition called dyscalculia?

Yes. Recent studies have shown that 5-10% of students have dyscalculia and some percentage of these students also have dyslexia. Adding goals to IEPs that address a student's math performance will ensure that students get the interventions that they need. Teachers can use ADAM or DOMA to diagnose math-related issues; Math Edge to provide targeted customized learning activities; and then monitor student progress with our formative assessments to address learning issues caused by dyscalculia.

Can I use Let's Go Learn for Data-Based Individualization?

Absolutely! Data-based individualization (DBI) is a powerful process for reaching students who need intensive intervention (Tier 3 in RTI and MTSS). Begin the process with diagnostic assessment data from our research-based assessments DORA, ADAM, and DOMA, which evaluate a content-specific area of concern. The diagnostic data drives the implementation of our validated interventions, LGL Math Edge or LGL ELA Edge. Frequent progress monitoring with our formative assessments re-align the intervention to current student performance, ensuring the effectiveness of DBI.

Does Let's Go Learn have special data collection tools?

Our underlying AI platform automatically collects all student data from their online diagnostic assessments, scores and time on task for their instructional paths, and scores from their formative assessments. We do this so educators, students, and parents can monitor student progress and adjust instruction and strategies in reading and math throughout the year.

How do LGL's online tools provide progress monitoring in special education?

For students with disabilities and students at any MTSS/RTI Tier, LGL’s progress monitoring process is composed of five steps. Step 1: LGL diagnostics analyze each individual child’s standards-based learning gaps and present levels (PLAAFP). Step 2: IEP teams develop individualized education programs (IEPs) using LGL narratives and standards-based data. Step 3: LGL system assigns specially designed instruction (SDI) for students with disabilities at the appropriate ZPD. Teachers can always self-select lesson assignments. Step 4: LGL provides standards-based progress monitoring with formative assessments that are vertically scaled into the original dataset. Step 5: LGL curriculum provides ongoing progress monitoring, tracking student academic performance from the initial evaluation. No data collection required by teachers.

Does LGL have a data collection app that special education teachers can use to capture student data?

LGL uses a built-in data collection platform that collects progress monitoring data in math and reading. Pre-built quizzes and adaptive tests allow teachers to know exactly what students are learning or when they are not making progress. This data merges with baseline data so that demonstrating progress or lack of progress is very easy to do. Special Education teachers can thus focus on instruction rather than bookkeeping tasks.

Does LGL have testing and assessments for special education?

Our online adaptive diagnostic assessments are designed to support testing for every individual student. By employing revolutionary adaptive logic, Let’s Go Learn’s math and reading assessments maximize the information obtained about each student while minimizing test-taking time and anxiety. The granular data provides educators and teachers with a comprehensive picture of each learner’s strengths and weaknesses at a skill and concept level. This translates to a prescriptive path for true personalized learning. For students with IEPs, this means providing automated Specially Designed Instruction (SDI) that both eliminates learning gaps and accelerates learning.

Does Let's Go Learn have the best special education software? Please explain.

We believe that our system provides the most effective and equitable special education software available today. The design of the Let’s Go Learn Edge series requires that students take a computer-adaptive assessment, after which the system assigns them to the appropriate online prescriptive instruction. The prescriptive instruction is designed with a game-based paradigm that intrinsically motivates students to accomplish activities without the limitations of time or previous failures. Songs, music, animation, graphics, and audio provide learning experiences for students of all learning styles. Effective learning occurs when instruction is customized to the needs of each student, addressing individual strengths and weaknesses. Our formative assessments and progress monitoring ensure that educators can continuously adjust instruction and strategies for students with disabilities.

My special education teachers are burned out and many are thinking of changing careers. Can your special education platform help me retain these teachers?

The Council for Exceptional Children (CEC) provides on its website this advice for retaining special education teachers: "Multiple research studies suggest that fully prepared teachers in special education are more effective and are more likely to remain in the teaching profession than are teachers who are not fully prepared." With Let's Go Learn, you can provide your special education teachers with a series of face-to-face or online webinars to prepare them for the challenges they will face. Additionally our special education platform is aligned to your standards and offers rigorous online diagnostic assessments, automated IEP-aligned reporting, SDI reading and math interventions, and automated progress monitoring. Our platform can thus offload some of the heavy lifting for new special education teachers with its embedded best practices. The combination of our just-in-time professional development and our special education platform will support your teachers and relieve workload and stress with bonafide solutions.

What is IDEA?

The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) is a US federal law which defines how special education services need to deliver a free appropriate public education (also called FAPE) to eligible children with disabilities. IDEA is the cornerstone of US special education laws, and guarantees educational placement and educational services for students with a defined disability category in public schools. Students enrolled in private schools or choosing to homeschool receive some services under IDEA, according to governing federal, state, and local regulations.

How does IDEA define a disability?

The federal Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) defines a child with a disability as one "having an intellectual disability, a hearing impairment (including deafness), a speech or language impairment, a visual impairment (including blindness), a serious emotional disturbance (referred to in this part as “emotional disturbance”), an orthopedic impairment, autism, traumatic brain injury, an other health impairment, a specific learning disability, deaf-blindness, or multiple disabilities, and who, by reason thereof, needs special education and related services."

Does IDEA affect students in private schools or homeschooling?

Yes, but with caveats. First, local education agencies (LEAs) must have a "child find process", which means they must "locate, identify, and evaluate all children with disabilities who are enrolled by their parents in private, including religious, elementary schools and secondary schools located in the school district served by the LEA." Then the IDEA "requires school districts to make services and benefits available to children with disabilities enrolled by their parents in nonpublic (private) schools." However, public schools do not have to provide special services to every student not enrolled in their school district. In fact, it is possible that some children in private schools "will not receive any services while others will." In addition, "for those who receive services, the amount and type of services also may differ from the services the child would receive if placed in a public school by the parents or in a private school by a public agency."  Often, parents who choose to homeschool their students wave their right to services under FAPE, however they may still be eligible for some services through their public school systems. And homeschooled students must be given a free, individual evaluation if the students are suspected of having disabilities. If educational disabilities are found, the public school must offer an Individualized Education Program (IEP) team, in conjunction with the parents or guardians, to develop a written plan for the student. At every step of the process, a student's parents or guardians must provide consent for services. Some important special education laws and rules governing private schools and homeschooling change from state to state, so it's important to consult a local educational agency to discover the services to which a student is entitled. If a parent becomes concerned about a student's evaluation process, the initial placement, or the educational program, contact the appropriate, local public agency.





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