Data Reports
Gain a deeper understanding of every student

Transform assessment data into actionable data
Let’s Go Learn’s powerful, comprehensive reports drive differentiated student instruction. Across narrative reports, educators can access detailed descriptions of each child’s learning profile and obtain research-based instructional recommendations.
By providing an array of reports, each stakeholder always has the most relevant, up-to-date data and narratives to inform decisions, guide initiatives, and drive student learning.

Individual Student Reports
Individual Student Assessment Reports
All Let’s Go Learn assessments include diagnostic reports for parents, teachers, and administrators.
Let’s Go Learn student reports include:
- Descriptive, diagnostic assessment of student strengths and weaknesses
- Comprehensive scoring, with grade-level equivalencies, for all sub-skills in the assessment
- Clear, easy-to-read graphics
- Detailed instructional suggestions and intervention techniques, developed by education specialists
- State math and reading standards evaluation available for all 50 states

Individual Student Gain Reports
These pre/post growth reports provide insight into the progress of each student across all measures of an assessment. Current scores are shown, in comparison to previous scores, to demonstrate a student’s growth over time. With deeper insight into student progress over time, a parent, teacher, or administrator can track each student’s learning progress and determine next best steps for the learning journey.
Example Sample Reports
School and District Reports
Data Portal Reports
Principals and administrators can access both summative and diagnostic aggregate reports across schools and students. Leaders create customized views of data by grade, class, building, or cohort. These reports also pull historical data from the Let’s Go Learn data warehouse to compare student growth and track trends.

Program Placement Reports
These aggregate reports support educators as they determine each student’s placement for regular or intervention programs or classes. This is ideal for response to intervention (RTI) implementations which require a true diagnostic tool as a starting point. Each site can customize Program Placement Reports with specific indicators that qualify a student for additional services or support. This information is especially useful at the secondary levels to define site curriculum and plan intervention efforts.
Site Profile Reports
The Let’s Go Learn Classroom Profile Tool allows teachers and administrators to evaluate a classroom or site based on the reading profiles of the students. These reports improve site-level understanding into intervention efficacy and needs, and allow for more informed purchases and efforts.