math assessment

Standards-Based Testing

Comprehending Standards-Based Testing: Exploring Constraints, and Examining its Influence on Equity Traditional standards-based testing has long been the primary method for assessing K-12 students in the classroom. State standards provide a framework for teachers to instruct and students to learn. Administrators use temporary assessments, often provided by the states or other benchmark tests,

By |2024-02-06T03:06:22+00:00February 1st, 2024|Math Assessment|0 Comments

The Hierarchy of Instruction in Math with Let’s Go Learn

The Hierarchy of Instruction in Math with Let's Go Learn Math competency and 21st-century employment are inextricably linked. However, no matter how you slice it, U.S. student scores on NAEP mathematics assessments demonstrate that year-to-year student achievement is faltering. Further, multiple subgroups are impacted by dismal performance. A recent movement using the umbrella

By |2023-10-12T19:34:57+00:00October 12th, 2023|Math Assessment|0 Comments

Data-Driven Learning Solutions for Homeschools and Tutors

Unveiling the Power of Data-Driven Education: Insights from Lili Rivas' Webinar At the enlightening webinar hosted by Lili Rivas, the Customer Success Manager for Let's Go Learn (LGL), with a rich background as a Bilingual/Dual Language teacher for 16 years in an inner-city public school, Lili's journey and expertise brought to light the

By |2023-09-21T19:08:05+00:00September 21st, 2023|Homeschool|0 Comments

CASE Webinar Strategies to Motivate Students to Learn Math with Dr. Jordan B Smith Jr.

CASE Webinar Strategies to Motivate Students to Learn Math with Dr. Jordan B Smith Jr. Educators must motivate and employ creative strategies, as discussed in the CASE webinar below with Dr. Jordan B Smith Jr., its time to make math an engaging and rewarding learning journey. Mathematics can evoke varied student emotions, with

By |2023-09-20T20:51:36+00:00September 20th, 2023|Math Curriculum|0 Comments

Why Middle Schools in the United States Struggle to Teach Their Students Math

Why Middle Schools in the United States Struggle to Teach Their Students Math Middle school math can be challenging for many students due to a variety of factors. It is important to understand these factors in order to find the best approach in systematically applying a solution, whether at the

By |2023-09-11T17:43:04+00:00September 5th, 2023|Math Assessment|0 Comments

CASE Webinar Strategies to Motivate Students to Learn Math with Dr. Jordan B Smith Jr.

CASE Webinar Strategies to Motivate Students to Learn Math with Dr. Jordan B Smith Jr. Educators must motivate and employ creative strategies, as discussed in the CASE webinar below with Dr. Jordan B Smith Jr., its time to make math an engaging and rewarding learning journey. Mathematics can evoke varied student emotions, with

By |2023-08-24T16:11:43+00:00August 9th, 2023|Math Curriculum|0 Comments

Universal Design for Learning

What is Universal Design for Learning (UDL)? Universal Design for Learning (UDL) is an educational framework created by David H. Rose, Ed.D. of the Harvard Graduate School of Education, and the Center for Applied Special Technology (CAST), that seeks to provide all learners with access to an inclusive learning environment. The guiding principle

By |2023-04-18T02:34:33+00:00April 18th, 2023|Education Reform|0 Comments

Special Education Law—Perez vs Sturgis

One of the most significant special education court cases in several years has been decided by the US Supreme Court this week. The case, Perez vs. Sturgis, clarifies the circumstances in which a disabled student has the right to sue a school district for failing to provide a “Free Appropriate Public Education” (FAPE). Students

By |2023-03-28T02:29:20+00:00March 23rd, 2023|Special Education|0 Comments

IEP Accommodations

What are IEP accommodations? Individualized Education Plan (IEP) accommodations are an important part of individualizing a student’s education plan. Accommodations are changes made to enable a student to achieve learning in their own way. Unlike modifications, accommodations do not alter the learning expectations, only the manner in which the learning goal is taught.

By |2023-02-28T04:31:16+00:00February 28th, 2023|Special Education|0 Comments
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