
Why Many K-12 Schools and Districts are Failing in Mathematics and How We Can Make a Course Correction

Nationally, student K-12 math scores have been at an all-time low as measured by state accountability testing.  Much of this started ten to twelve years ago, when state standards were updated to become more rigorous.  Math was rightfully expanded to include not just basic numeracy (arithmetics) but also the application of mathematics in the

By |2022-09-01T23:51:42+00:00July 28th, 2022|Education Reform|0 Comments

Proactively Using End of Year Data

The end of the school year can be a hectic time. As teachers finish their last lessons, complete end-of-year assessments, and pack up their classrooms, there usually isn’t much time to think about the following school year. However, taking time to analyze end-of-year data and use it to plan proactively for the next year

By |2022-09-01T00:20:06+00:00April 27th, 2021|Math Assessment|0 Comments

How to Quickly Close the Math Gap: Ideas for Summer School and Quick Intervention

Let’s face it: we know that our students’ education suffered this past year due to school closures, experimental hybrid models, little to no peer interaction, and insufficient time for gap filling and remediation.  But did you know that math is usually the subject that suffers the most each year, and all the more so

By |2022-09-01T00:27:38+00:00April 5th, 2021|Math Assessment|0 Comments
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