online assessment

Getting Staff Back to School

During the first week of February this year, new CDC Director Dr. Rochelle Walensky said there is growing evidence that schools can re-open safely. Not coincidently, her statement came at the same time COVID-19 vaccines were beginning to role out en masse. Some states, like Oregon, put educators in the top Phase of vaccine

By |2022-09-02T01:10:39+00:00March 16th, 2021|Education Reform|0 Comments

How to Solve for Learning Loss — What Does the Evidence Say?

You don’t need to consult the myriad statistical reports during COVID-19 to know that most students have suffered a learning loss. And students who entered the pandemic below grade level have of course suffered most. How can teachers and learners recover? First, let’s look at the phrase itself. In a recent article in Ed

By |2022-08-15T21:28:56+00:00February 23rd, 2021|Reading Curriculum|0 Comments

Special Education Focus – The Time is Now!

As I travel the country and meet with special educators, a few themes always arise. The more often I meet with these men and women, the more my heart breaks. The locations differ, but the story never changes. Special educators are tired, overwhelmed, overworked, under-appreciated, under-supported, fearful to speak up, and quite often

By |2022-09-02T01:12:56+00:00February 17th, 2021|Special Education|0 Comments
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