
Site Volume Licensing
Volume licensing is heavily discounted 60-80% as compared to individual home or tutoring users who by in 1 to 10 fixed tests units.
Districts or schools will license based on the total number of students they would like to assess in reading or mathematics. For example, 500 students in reading or 350 in mathematics. Or 150,000 students in reading and math AND 100,000 students using math instruction. An annual licensing price allows for repeat testing throughout the year. There is no limit to the number of teachers, specialist, or administrator logins. This will allow you to embark on a long-term plan of diagnostically assessing your students in reading or mathematics and storing the data for historical tracking as well as for federal reporting requirements using student meta-data groups.
Alternatively, in some regions or with some districts, building by building license may be available. Pricing would then be based on bracket into which the total enrollment of your building falls as well as whether you are licensing for one or two subjects.
For Site Licensing:
K-12 School Sales U.S. & Canada contact
LGL Direct: 888-618-READ